What Type Of Kidney Stone Do You Have?

"Kidney" There are primarily four major types of kidney stones , based mostly upon their chemical composition: Wondering What Type Of Kidney Stone Do I Have? 1. Uric Acid Stones - The body forms these sorts of stones once the body waste is systematically acidic. Diets that are made in purines, substances found in animal protein like fish, meats, and shellfish tend to extend acid in body waste. once acid becomes concentrated in body waste, then it will settle within the kidney to make a stone by itself, or with calcium. High acid within the body waste has additionally been connected to the reason behind gouty arthritis. 2. Calcium Stones - These are the foremost common variety of kidney stone and occur in 2 forms: calcium phosphate and calcium salt. calcium phosphate stones are created by the mix of high urine calcium and base-forming urine (high pH). Calcium salt stones are rather more common. they're sometimes shaped by high calcium and high salt ex...