Have Kidney Stone Symptoms? Check Out These 5 Simple Tips To Deal With Them

              How easy is it to deal with kidney stone symptoms? 

Hah, not easy at all. I hope these 5 simple tips will help you get thrue the pain and suffering kidneys stones cause. 

They cause some pain lol let me tell you I ended up in the hospital two times for the same kidney stones.

get rid of kidney stones fast naturally from home

Luckily I haven't gotten kidney stones since I started drinking more water then I drink soda and for sure avoiding sweet tea during the summer. 

I feel sweet tea as well as being dehydrated contributed a lot to me getting those painful throbbing stones man they were messed up lol.

1. Drink Water - Drinking water is the best thing you can do for your body and mind. It will help flush the stones faster than anything else.

2. Avoid Oxalate - There are minerals known as oxalate that build up within the kidneys and form a stone along with other minerals.

3. Exercise - Working out and sweating is a good way to detox any toxins from the body so always stay active.

4. Vitamins - Take and consume as many vitamins as possible and stay consistent with them.

5. Stay out of the heat - Kidney stones form easily when your body is dehydrated and your drinking sugary beverages as well as consuming high amounts of sodium, sugar, oxalate... like sweet tea lol.

These few tips can make a big difference when dealing with kidney stone symptoms and they will need to be done everyday you know drinking water and just staying healthy overall. I know exactly how painful they are so don't feel alone.

I know all the symptoms of feeling nausea and dizziness from the pain hang in there and soon your kidney stone symptoms will be a thing in the past.


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